logo of heylow


Just like any digital product, this website has an environmental impact.
However, accurately measuring its environmental impact is challenging due to the lack of scientific consensus on the energy consumption of digital products.
As a result, our objective is to present an estimated overview of the website's impact.
To do this, we use a variety of tools to measure the impact of our website and see how it compares to our competitors. We are also examining how modifications to the website code can impact its energy consumption.
Please note that this assessment focus solely on the front-end of the website (the part visible to visitors) and does not consider the back-end of the website (where it is managed) nor production phase.
Last analysis ran on September 19, 2023

out of 100
Eco Design Level
Based on results provided by
Ecograder scores pages based on a variety of performance, efficiency, and user experience factors as well as emissions estimates and green hosting powered by renewable energy.

Details of the score:

Page Weight: 100 (33% of score)
UX Design: 91 (17% of score)
Green Hosting:100 (17% of score)
Carbon Score: 94 (33% of score)

See the report here
compared to industry average websites*
*heylow.world's average page weight: 470kb
According to HttpArchive, the average page weight on desktop is 2,484kb
300 mWh/min
Estimated Energy consumption
based on results provided by Greenframe
Renewable energies
We use Krystal.io with data centres based in London, United Kingdom to host our data.
Carbon emissions estimates per year (kgCO2e)
GreenFrame GreenFrame Journey OneByte SWD
GreenFrame 3.3
GreenFrame Full Journey 5.43
Sustainable Web Design
We use and compare different models to get an idea/range of the estimated impact of the website: Greenframe for a simple measure and a measure of a full user journey, the OneByte Model and the Sustainable Web Design Model

These results give us a range between 3.3kgCO2e and 9.12kgCO2e per year.
By comparison, 10kgCO2e is the same amount of emissions as manufacturing, consuming or travelling: 37 litres of bottled water, 17 litres of coffee, 46km by car (combustion engine), 0.3 smartphones, 1.4 meals with beef or 20 vegetarian meals.
Based on data from the ADEME (French)

As mentioned above, these results do not take account the full range of the impact.
Website's datas breakdown (kb)
Images Scripts HTML/CSS Others
Images 374
Scripts 5.71
HTML/CSS 26.74
Others 64.1
Energy breakdown (mWh)
CPU Network Screen Memory
CPU 28
Network 5.9
Screen 91
Memory 0.2

heylow.world's impact evolution.

We can see that even if the page weight increases by 60% (253kb vs 470kb), the Eco Design Level is quite similar, but most importantly the energy per minute decreases by 60% (564mWh vs 300mWh).

As explained in our article "More is Less?", this is mainly due to the main animation on our previous website, which used a lot of CPU (computer processor) resources.

Energy consumption per minute (mWh/min)
Date Energy Consumption per minute
10/09/2023 564
19/09/2023 300
Eco Design Level (EcoGrader)
Date Eco Design Level
10/09/2023 96
19/09/2023 95
Page weight
Date Page weight
10/09/2023 253.26
19/09/2023 470

How heylow.world compares to others
based on tests run with GreenFrame & EcoGrader

Compared to Sustainable Web Agencies
Energy consumption per minute (mWh/min)
Website Size
heylow.world 300
WholeGrainDigital 373
Leap 376
MightyBytes 373
Dodonut 309
Eco Design Level (EcoGrader)
Website EcoDesignLevel
heylow.world 95.6
WholeGrainDigital 97
Leap 99
MightyBytes 96
Dodonut 98
Page weight (Homepage load)
Website Size
heylow.world 470
WholeGrainDigital 328.48
Leap 115.69
MightyBytes 529.73
Dodonut 261.32
Compared to Awwwards Studio of the Year Nominees 2022 (4 first in the list)
Energy consumption per minute (mWh/min)
Website Size
heylow.world 300
Synchronized Studio 724
Immersive Garden 34937
ET studio 669
Mouthwash Studio 365
Eco Design Level (EcoGrader)
Website EcoDesignLevel
heylow.world 95.6
Synchronized Studio 76
Immersive Garden 51
ET studio 74
Mouthwash Studio 78
Page weight (Homepage load)
Website Size
heylow.world 470
Synchronized Studio 3120
Immersive Garden 234340
ET studio 3500
Mouthwash Studio 486.12
Compared to Awwwards Agencies of the Year Nominees 2022 (4 first in the list)
Energy consumption per minute (mWh/min)
Website Size
heylow.world 300
Locomotive 716
Make Me Pulse 738
Media Monks 1096
Merci Michel 1116
Eco Design Level (EcoGrader)
Website EcoDesignLevel
heylow.world 95.6
Locomotive 91
Make Me Pulse 65
Media Monks 61
Merci Michel 66
Page weight (Homepage load)
Website Size
heylow.world 470
Locomotive 989.62
Make Me Pulse 2350
Media Monks 2110
Merci Michel 8550
Comparison conclusions

These comparative results allow us to draw two conclusions:

  • This site performs as well as, and sometimes better than, other low carbon/sustainable web agencies or studios.
  • This website performs much better than the studios or agencies awarded on awwwards.com, which aims to recognise and promote the best in innovative web design. We must admit that the design and development efforts on websites are incredible and always an inspiration for us. But they don't take into account any environmental impact, whether direct or indirect.

    The comparative tests we have conducted show us striking results. Some websites can emit between 20 and over 100 kilograms of CO2e per year (depending on the model used and assuming 5,000 monthly visits) while our website is estimated to emit less than 10 kilograms of CO2e per year. Some of the websites we have estimated are extremely polluting, far exceeding the average and generating between 270 kg and 4 tonnes of CO2e per year (depending on the model used and assuming 5,000 monthly visits).

    Heavy websites could also have a major influence on the obsolescence of devices, as older devices might appear slow, influencing decisions to replace them faster to keep up with this kind of websites or newly developed software, asking for more and more resources.

Extensive analysis of heylow.world

By Page:

By User Journey:

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